Oh Blog It All!

Hey and Welcome All! Thanks for Joining me!


So a few of my friends had been encouraging me to “START A DAMN BLOG ALREADY!” And while I always welcome and appreciate their opinions and advice, I’ve been slow on the uptake of this specific, shall we call it, “request”?


Up to this point, I’ve really protested the whole social media thing. “I have no time for all this Facebook stuff!”, I’d tell them. “I’m too busy doing!”  I don’t have time to scroll through posts of the colossal bacon sandwich he’s eating for breakfast, or what color she just had her toes painted, or what another sunset at the beach looks like. Okay, so maybe I forget what that beach sunset actually looks like in person, but come on! Why do I need it rubbed in my face by a bijillion others who do take a vacation? Hhmph. 


Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. Social media and my aversion to it.  Notwithstanding my serious technological incompetence, I’m a relatively private person and don’t like broadcasting my business for the world to see. And besides, who the hell really cares about my business anyhow? 


Apparently, a few of my friends who kept nagging me, I mean, lovingly nudging me, to start a blog. They seemed to think I’ve got something to share. It was so nice! I love my friends!


So. I ignored them for quite some time. 


And then, some divine intervention in response to a prayer landed “BLOG!” in my head and here I am. 


Why, you ask? 


Well. I have a strong commitment to health. To caring for all things living as naturally and organically as possible. Our dogs and farm animals, our food, our planet, and ourselves. 


As. Naturally. As. Possible.


Great. So what to do with that?


Every start-a-blog course, video, post, etc. says “DEVELOP A NICHE!”  They advise you to figure out who you want your audience to be, what specifically you’re going to talk about and then hone and narrow it down even further (i.e. “weight loss. for women. over 50.” and while that always sounds relevant, ahem, I’m sure not setting up a whole blog around it!)  


So. After much consideration, thought and discussion,  apparently I decided to ignore them too. (Maybe that’ll change down the road and I’ll eventually “niche it up”? Doubtful, but never say ‘never!’) 


But, I think my thought process concluded with something like this, “Oh dammit all! I want to blog about everything to everyone!” and there it was.


“Oh Blog It All!” was born.


So here I am. Challenging myself to share with you what I’ve learned. Challenging you to find areas you want to improve in and to do it. Making a difference in our lives. As. Naturally. As. Possible! Broad Spectrum style.


I thank you for joining me and hope you’ll stick around!  Let’s see what we can get into and just BLOG IT ALL!


Oh, and BTW, that serious technological incompetence I mentioned before?  Well that’s been quite the hurdle I tell ya’! I did also tell you that I was challenging myself too…oh, and how! As of this writing, I have ZERO social media accounts set up. Next on my list. Soon. Who knows, just maybe I’ll blog about all that someday. After all, it wouldn’t be outside my niche now, would it?!

Ok my friends, I can report an update! I have Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook accounts set up. I think! Ha! See if you can check them out!

“I choose

to make the rest of my life

the best of my life.”

Louise Hay