Oh Blog It All!

LED Natural Skin Care

Omnilux box

Shine the light..the LED spotlight!

Oh dear. I just pulled the trigger. On an expensive purchase. It wasn’t an impulse- I’ve thought about this, talked about this, YouTubed and Googled this. And then I pulled the trigger and made the purchase. And now “this” is mine. I ordered it. And it’s coming in the mail. Mine. I own it. Soon.


What did I buy, you ask? Just hang on and let me roll with this for a little while.  Perhaps if I keep you in suspense for a bit, I’ll feel better? Maybe a little “misery/anxiety loves company” thing going on? Because I strongly dislike (“we never say ‘hate’, Elizabeth, you don’t  ‘hate’ anything”), ok, I hate (sorry, Mom!), let me repeat, I hate spending large amounts of money on “extras”. On what I consider “extras” anyway. You know. Those items that we don’t really need when it comes right down to it. You know. Those things that toe the line into the “want” category…


Alright, I’m starting to feel like you guys have scrolled down and read ahead. 


Spoilers! You probably read book endings first too.  If you’re like me who hates, I mean, dislikes, spoiling a surprise and does NOT read ahead, then good for you! Oh hell, good for all of you. I prob would have read ahead too after all this rambling.


Anyhow, my purchase (drum rolllll please!)


I. Bought. An. Omnilux. Contour.

What is an Omnilux Countour?

What the heck is that, you ask? (Unless you’re my BFF, in which case, you aren’t asking. She already has one and is how I know about them in the first place. In truth, everyone needs a BFF like mine!)


In essence, the Omnilux Contour is a LED mask used for rejuvenating aging skin. That’s the short of it. 

More specifically, their website explains that the “Omnilux Contour uses optimized doses of red and infrared light to supercharge the body’s own natural cellular healing response, and reverse the visible signs of aging.”


Additionally, they state that this medical grade, used by dermatologists worldwide, clinically proven and FDA cleared LED mask is satisfaction guaranteed, and furthermore,  is “All natural & safe”!  


Wait! All natural? Safe? Not only “proven to naturally reduce fine lines & wrinkles”, but “reduces sun damage” too? No way! Brilliant!


By all means, sign me up! 


Oh yeah, I already did.

Is it Just Omni-Luxury?

In my orthopedic massage therapy practice I use low level laser therapy and have witnessed time and again the healing that occurs with the non-invasive, non-harmful, chemical free treatments.  In fact, I have repeatedly explained to clients for years now that the red light therapy, and I quote myself, “supercharges your cells to operate more efficiently, increasing circulation, reducing inflammation and promoting overall healing at the cellular level.” I think I probably mumble this in my sleep, I’ve said it so many times.


So as soon as  I read the Omnilux info I did a double take.  It sounded so familiar.


Gee. It certainly sounds amazing doesn’t it?! So what the H-E-double hockey sticks was all my nervous chatter about back in paragraph one? 


Well, in essence, it really comes down to the money. I guess I feel like it’s a lot of to spend on something that I don’t “NEED”.


Do I need it? I mean, in my practice,  we “need” the physical healing that my laser brings. That’s undebatable. But this? Is it really necessary? And there’s an Omnilux Contour face mask, neck and decollate mask and hand glove too! 


There’s also an Omnilux CLEAR mask for acne and I can tell you that I would’ve worked 5 jobs in my teens to buy one if they’d been available back then! I cringe to think about all the chemical-laden products I slathered on because I didn’t know any better.


But now, for fine lines and wrinkles? Redness and pigmentation? I repeat, do I need it?


Let’s break it down. 

The Omnilux Contour

Do I need a product that:


  • will make my skin healthier (our skin is our body’s first line of defense!)
  • is in no way harmful and that will, in fact, benefit my skin on a cellular level
  • will make my skin look and feel better
  • will yield greater results dollar for dollar than traveling for expensive spa treatments (if you can even find a spa that uses only non toxic products)?
  • when used consistently, will feel as if I’m doing something healthy for myself. Because self care isn’t selfish!
  • is long lasting and can be recycled when it’s done

Well gee. When I put it like that…


Why, yes. Yes I do dammit! I need it!


When is it going to be here? What’s the tracking number? 


Seriously, I can only think about all the skin care products that the Omnilux Contour can replace!  All the bottles and jars, packaging and production materials, the out of pocket and the environmental costs…Remember the first of the three Rs? Reduce! If this mask can reduce the need for other lotions and potions and all that goes into getting them onto our shelves at home, then I am definitely all for it. 


So although it seems like a big expense all at once, over the long run, it certainly seems as if it’ll reduce both the amount we pull out of our wallets and the costs to our earth. 


While I could use just a little help (ahem) in all the three areas the Omnilux Contour provides masks/glove for, I’m starting out with the face mask. Perhaps it’ll be possible to use it on other areas as well?  We’ll see.


As for it’s effectiveness? Well, if the Omnilux clinical studies and reviews, as well as the results of LED therapy in my practice are to be believed, then I’m pretty sure my satisfaction is already guaranteed! 


In time, I’ll certainly keep you posted. Hopefully in reaching out to Omnilux, perhaps in the near future I’ll be able to offer my subscribers a discount code.  If this interests you, please subscribe and give me a shout out!  

Already have an Omnilux?  I’d love to hear about your experience! Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below!


Shine on!

“I think your whole life

shows in your face

and you should be

proud of that.”

-Lauren Bacall