Oh Blog It All!

Hey! Welcome All!


I’m Elizabeth and


I’m so glad you’re here!


And now that you are here, let me tell you a little about why I’m here…

I have a strong commitment to our health.  To caring for all living things as naturally and organically as possible. Our dogs and farm animals, our food, our planet and ourselves!


As. Naturally. As. Possible!


Do I talk about  …


  • The health & wellness of the human and canine mind & body (bovine & equine too maybe)? Yes. 
  • The  birds and the bees (no, not that, people! The actual birds and bees!) Yes.
  • The health of our planet and the three R’s? Yes
  • Will I challenge you to be happier, healthier and part of a solution?  Heck YES!
  • Dogs?  Oh yes. I probably already mentioned them?  Love dogs. Probably talk about them in my sleep. And cows. Cows and dogs.

What won’t I talk about?


Hmmm… Really, anything goes here (oops, except politics. And maybe that)!  And whatever else you come up with.  After all, this is for all of us.  I want to hear from you!


So in the meantime, I’ll be here.  Challenging myself to share with you what I’ve learned.  Challenging you to find areas you want to improve in and encouraging you to do it.  

Come join me and let’s Blog It All!

I am only one,

but I am one.


I cannot do everything,

but I can do something.



And I will not let what I cannot do


with what I can do.”

Edward Everett Hale