Oh Blog It All!

Earth Day... Every Day!

Earth day 2022 is here! While we officially devote one calendar day each year to celebrating our Earth, I always wonder if, on the other 364 days, we pretty much forget our resolutions to conserve and protect it more.


It’s kind of like those New Year’s resolutions- by February they’re typically forgotten.  Like those fitness and weight loss ads that crop up at the end of December and run through January before fading off, Earth Day brings about some statistics and activities that also seem to fade by the next month.  


But there are so many simple solutions to be environmentally friendly at home! Once we identify and change up a few things, our resolve to protect our earth can become a habit!

Too busy to Protect our Earth?

I’m going to begin with an advance warning, my fellow earth cohabitants, that I’m going to push and challenge us a bit here today. No judgments, just a gentle push…


I know we all get busy, rushing around, forgetting our reusable shopping bags, throwing away food forgotten in the way back of the fridge (and into the plastic bag lined trash can, goes the whole plastic zip bag wrapped moldy mess, where that all waits to be placed into a jumbo sized heavy duty plastic garbage bag),  buying plastic water bottles because our travel container is sitting on the counter at home (which suddenly doesn’t seem so bad compared to the previous plastic wrapped example. But is.), leaving the house lights on, the ceiling fans running, the car idling.


I get it. We are busy and on the go all the time it seems.  Quick, easy and convenient seem to be the adopted trifecta of daily living for many of us. It seems like it almost has to be in order to accomplish all that needs doing.


But whatever the case is- too busy or we’ve simply forgotten- forgotten resolutions stink. What really stinks though, is that in the case of our planet, our forgotten resolutions to protect it have landed us in the middle of a crisis; climate change, species extinction, polluted air, land and oceans, waste and “unsustainable patterns of consumption and production.”  


We simply can’t forget anymore, because the impact of our actions, has caused some pretty grave “in your face” problems that need to be addressed yesterday.   At the very least, and as a good start, we need to adopt some simple habits that are environmentally friendly at home.

Celebrate with a balloon? NOT!

Balloons, speaking of unsustainable consumption patterns… I know that balloons have come to be synonymous symbols of  “celebration”, but they certainly aren’t a celebration to our earth and it’s inhabitants. I can’t help but cringe each time I see them. For me, these balloons in their deflated state have also become synonymous with how we are treating our earth and its resources.


First, helium (a non renewable resource that we need for many medical devices), second, mylar (metal coated plastic that is NOT biodegradable) and third, latex (which also isn’t completely biodegradable and contains tons of chemicals), and finally, the string that wildlife gets tangled in…the whole show that causes so many living creatures to suffer and die a painful death each year. Who wants to celebrate that?  (Check out other options here balloonsblow.org)


Aren’t I just the life of this balloon-free party? I warned you!

Make Earth Day Every Day!

If you were to stop and examine your day, how many non earth friendly products and practices do you use throughout. Just. One. Day. 


In fact, let’s not call them “non-environmentally friendly”. Let’s just call them what they are- harmful and destructive to the planet and everything on it. Seriously, take note of what you and your family use throughout the day. While I am always conscious of and make a whole hearted attempt to find the solutions that are environmentally friendly at home (and everywhere else), I still fall short in many areas!  How about you?


Boy. I’m fast becoming the unpopular person here… hang on though! 


If you’ve read my mission statement, you know that I want to challenge us to be and do better. No judgments, just encouragement!

Environmentally UN-Friendly?

We can get out of the wasteful ruts that we have gotten comfortable in for the sake of convenience. We can practice simple solutions to be environmentally friendly at home!


It’ll take a little bit of practice to develop new routines. Similarly, it will take a little swapping out of products to find more earth friendly ones. Most importantly, it’ll take a little more awareness to cut down on things we really don’t need in the first place!


That’s all. In essence, it really is that simple!


So how do we do this? 


First off, let’s ID the areas that we need to improve in. In other words, we can’t correct a problem if we don’t know what the problem is, right? To that end, let’s see if any of the following scenarios ring a bell…


Do we:

  • Buy too much? Do a lot of unpacking of bags and removing of tags?
  • Not recycle enough? 
  • Use too many disposable items?
  • Throw bad food away?
  • Wonder why the grocery bill is so high with hardly any food in the bags?
  • Constantly take out the trash?
  • Find straws, wrappers and disposable containers all over the car?
  • Marvel over the high electric bill?
  • Upon realistic examination, find ourselves and our lives wrapped in plastic like Kathy Bates in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes? 
  • Spend wads of $ on products to perfect our yards and gardens?
  • All of the above? 
  • More?

Don’t worry because in truth, you’re probably not alone, and furthermore, now that you’ve identified the areas you aren’t up to par in, you can step up your efforts!  Remember, there are no judgments here, just solutions!

Environmentally Friendly Solutions!

While I always say that the good ole “3 Rs” should stand for “Reduce, Reduce, Reduce” they actually stand for “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”.  In summary, that really is the crux of it all.


First, and above all,  before you purchase anything, ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” Am I going to remember this purchase in a week, in a month or in six? Is it going to wind up on a shelf forgotten or in the landfill?

In Marie Kondo fashion ask yourself if it sparks joy – true JOY, as in the angels are singing. Loudly! As in, I, or the recipient, am so absolutely going to love this item forever and truly just can’t live without it.

Can you truthfully say, “If I don’t buy this, the quality of my life is going to suffer greatly”? 

When you look at potential purchases like that, it’s amazing to realize just how much unnecessary “stuff” we accumulate on a whim.

Second, think biodegradable footprint. Before you buy or use something, ask whether it will still be around in a year.  It will be? It won’t break down but will still leach harmful chemicals into our earth?  If that’s the answer you get, then find an alternative – I guarantee there’s one out there!

 Find Plastic Alternatives :

  • Stainless steel & glass containers, bento boxes. You can find all types of these with covers. Use for lunches on the go, leftovers, snacks, etc. Going out to eat and know you’ll bring leftovers home? Bring a container with you!
  • Straws– keep stainless ones or a box of paper or compostable straws in your vehicle and pocket book.  Tell the restaurant and drive thru you’re all set!
  • Cups & UtensilsParty? All the time around here. If you can’t do reusable, ditch the plastic and do paper or compostable instead! Just say no to plastic water bottles too-always!- and have a pitcher or dispenser full of water.
  • Plastic wrap– Try beeswax food savers or cloth bowl covers! I love these to wrap snacks, sandwiches, cover leftovers, etc.  Additionally, here is a compostable wrap.
  • Plastic sealable bags– Wax paper snack and sandwich bags exist for when you can’t use a reusable stainless/glass container. You can write little notes on them too (ask my hubby!) Or compostable ones come in all sizes!
  • Trash bags– Ugh. This one might be a tough one to get around as far as re-use goes. BUT! There are compostable ones out there. You might not be able to stuff them until they resemble the Stay Puff marshmallow man, but as my husband always reminds me, “go light and go often.” In this case, more “often” is better if you’re using compostable bags.  In the long run, it equals a huge reduction in non biodegradable heavy duty plastic.
  • Doggie waste bags– Try a self containing scooper. If not, there are compostable ones of these too.  
  • Gift cards– These plastic cards get thrown away after one use, unless someone reloads them.  Oftentimes, retailers even bank on the fact that they get lost and go unused. I seriously foresee in the near future a statistic about how many times they can circle the earth, like the plastic water bottles.  Just give green! In more ways than one. Ditch the plastic and give cash. Maybe even add a handwritten (yes!) note saying “I know you love your morning coffee! Have a few on me!” Stick those greenbacks into a stainless reusable travel mug and it’s a gift that gives back!
  • Plastic cards for refunds and returns– Many retailers issue a one-use plastic gift card when you return an item. What an unnecessary wasteful practice! One big box hardware store recently tried to give me a plastic card for a return of a 94 cent item.  It was an extra pipe coupling.  I just gave it back to them because it wasn’t worth the environmental cost of the card! Contact the retailers and see if they’ll change their policy!

Other alternatives:

  • Household products-  Many come concentrated in cardboard containers and are refillable to reusable containers!  Better yet, make your own very easily with 2 simple ingredients!
  • Prepackaged food– Can you find food that doesn’t come wrapped in plastic (fresh produce, meat, bread)?  Bring your own mesh and washable bags to put grocery items in. Forgo the rolls of plastic bags at the produce and meat sections! Try local farmers markets and roadside stands, bakeries and butchers and bring your own container. Give yourself an extra shout out for supporting local and eating REAL food not laden with preservatives. Furthermore, get to know those local retailers and you’ll have new friends!
  • Paper towels & Napkins & cotton balls– Try some of these reusable super cute ones I saw on Etsy. Bandanas also make great napkins.

Conserve Energy:

  • Turn lights off when you leave the room
  • Shut the fridge and freezer door quickly (I’m so guilty of waiting for food to jump out at me yelling “cook me! I wanna be dinner tonight!)
  • Reduce appliance use (wait to run the dishwasher or washing machine)
  • Hang clothes to dry (do a quick fluff in the dryer if needed)
  • Don’t let the water (hot or cold) run while brushing teeth, doing dishes, etc. Pause the shower water while shaving or shampooing. Or take shorter showers (I’m so guilty of the long shower)
  • Unplug the “energy vampires”! (Cable/satellite boxes, mobile devices, video game consoles, DVR/DVD/VCR players, coffee makers, anything that turns on instantly via remote, anything else you don’t use often)
  • You can use Smart Power Strips that automatically cut off power when devices aren’t being used.
  • Leave the thermostat at the same temperature (or within just a couple of degrees). Can you take the heat down just a degree or two to conserve? Use a sweater? How about turning that air conditioner down just a little or using a fan instead!

Fuel & emissions– Shut your vehicle off in drive thru lines. Better yet, run in and get some exercise! Can you walk, ride a bike, skateboard, rollerblade there? Celebrate that your body can move! Find or start a carpool.

Chemicals– so many in everything! They pose huge dangers to us and to everything that lives and breathes! Find non-toxic household cleaners and non-toxic skin care products. Use reef safe sunscreens. Use natural and chemical free lawn and garden care products that don’t end up on dog’s paws and kid’s feet and mutating frogs.

Styrofoam– Like balloons, it makes me cringe.  I have walked out of places that still unconscionably use it because it’s “cost effective”. To who??? Those toxic chemicals leach into us and our environment!  Ask before taking out food or leftovers if they use styrofoam. And then…Go. Somewhere. Else. If they care so little about the health of their customers and our planet over their own wallets, they do not deserve your support.



  • Packaging– Bought something in plastic bags? Reuse them. Going somewhere that you can’t carry reusable containers?  Use the bread bag to wrap sandwiches or snacks. Same goes with the plastic bags the crackers were in. Or bring it to the grocery store to put the meat in. Or save them to put stinky trash in to cut down on larger trash bags.
  • Empty plastic cleaning bottlesMake your own non toxic cleaning products and reuse that bottle.
  • Compost– Turn kitchen scraps into compost. There are great looking, functional, non disgusting ways to do this. Kitchen composting has come a long way. Bonus, you can then easily grow your own herbs and veggies!
  • Thrift– Thrifting rocks. It is the rage.  I love thrift stores, tag sales, estate sales, auctions, local landfill “shops”, and online vendors (Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, Poshmark, eBay and more!)

It is awesome to put money back into another individual’s pockets. It helps them, prevents items from ending up in landfills, and keeps more stuff from being commercially produced.

How much of what you need can be purchased via thrifts? Everyday items, growing kid’s clothing, your clothes, gifts, decor…the options are endless! So many items are brand new, with tags on them.  I have three clients, all of whom have The. Best. Wardrobes.  I’m forever commenting on their clothes, shoes, pocketbooks, coats, and jewelry.  Each one of them literally gets most every single item from thrift and consignment shops. I. Love. This.

I’m also betting that you can find a DVD of “Fried Green Tomatoes”. Probably for a buck!

Furthermore, you can also donate your items, sometimes getting a receipt for a tax write off, or even receiving a small stipend or store credit for items you bring in to thrift stores. Home run! Additionally, you can find a charity (like “Dress for Success”, Big Brother Big Sister and other shelters) that will take items too. Even animal shelters can use old linens.

  • Yard Sales– Have your own yard sale or let your grandkids or the neighborhood kids be in charge. It’s a great business opportunity for them over the summer…”Lemonade and knickknacks”. All natural lemonade (without artificial ingredients and served in paper cups of course!) and treasure!  I’d stop daily!


But I recycle! Isn’t that enough? 

Everyone thinks that this is the most important part of protecting our planet. While it is 100% necessary, it is still the third line of defense after Reduce and Reuse in finding environmentally friendly solutions for your home.

Note here, if we didn’t use it in the first place, we wouldn’t have to recycle it!

Check the little recycle symbol on packaging before buying a product. (This can be very confusing, I know.) If it isn’t biodegradable and can’t be recycled, TRY to find something else that is.  Can’t live without it? Contact the company, send letters, have the kids send letters, plead with them to change their packaging.  Companies do listen!

If it is recyclable, do it properly. Many local towns and landfills may have their own system. Check with yours make sure you’re doing it correctly. Find out if they have annual recycling drives for items such as paint, batteries, lightbulbs, motor oil, tires, and even prescription drugs, etc.

There are programs that will even come collect furniture as well as old refrigerators and freezers.  In like fashion, local repair shops will take small appliances for parts. In either case, it’s worth a quick call.

By the same token, you can try Habitat for Humanity and/Re-Stores for both donating and purchasing preloved items- everything from paint to windows (like the one I purchased for our chicken coop.  It was a brand new double hung for 35 bucks!)

Additionally, you can check with local scrapyards. They’ll often take Christmas lights and you’ll be amazed at what all.  Get the kids or schools to do a collection of the neighbors used up lights after the holidays to scrap for cash.

Collect refundable cans and return them or donate them to a charity. After a quick call, many will come get them from you.

What other environmentally friendly solutions can you incorporate into your home and others?


All in all, a lot of us simply do not know that what we’re doing or what we’re using isn’t environmentally friendly. Perhaps we’ve just never stopped to think about it.

Here’s a good “for instance”.  I turned the tv one day on to catch the weather report.  A local live program was on  featuring a local museum.  The children’s art director was  just about to demonstrate a craft project that taught kids about our oceans. “Awesome!” I thought. Perfect timing!

And then. It all went to hell in a hand basket.

This craft project required each child to use several zip seal style bags and food dye.  Mouth agape, I couldn’t actually believe that this museum employee was using one of the ocean’s biggest threats (plastics!) to demonstrate how the oceans are endangered!!! Come on!

This frosted my behind so badly that I just couldn’t let it go and kept thinking about it for days. Soon, the kid’s school vacations were coming up and I was sick about the number of plastic bags that one museum was going to throw away over that next week. By the same token,  how many others in children’s home were already thrown away because of that hugely wasteful project?  And chemical colored dye besides? For what? OM GOSH!

I did it. I had to. In all good conscience I had to. In my email to the museum director,  I first applauded them on their efforts to bring awareness re environmental concerns to parents and children alike. Second, I thanked them for their availability to the surrounding communities.  And finally, I gently pointed out THE ABSOLUTE HYPOCRISY OF THEIR ACTIONS!  Oh, and then I did also ask them if perhaps there were other areas that the museum needed to devote some attention to when it came to the three Rs?

As it turned out, I subsequently learned that I wasn’t the only one who was distressed by their poor judgment.

Give Back to our Earth...It's Given So much To Us!

In any case, I can turn that pointed finger back at myself too.  I know there are things that I can improve upon and will. 


Each and every day, I will make a more focused commitment to Earth Day Every Day! 

In spite of “convenience” sake, I am taking a stand towards what’s even more important than something being “easy” or “convenient” for me…I choose to take a stand for our planet and our health. They aren’t mutually exclusive by any means.  If the human race is to be healthy, then where we live and receive so many blessings from, has to be healthy too.


The responsibility lies with each one of us! To make the time and conscious effort to give back to our planet, because it sure has given plenty to us, is so essential. It should be an integral part of our daily life!  And we CAN do this. We can utilize solutions that are environmentally friendly in our homes.


Let me know! Did you thrift a copy of “Fried Green Tomatoes”? What is the best “find” you’ve made while thrifting? Do you have other suggestions for protecting our planet? Share it up in the comments below!


Have a happy Earth Day…Every Day!

Every aspect of our lives is,

in a sense, a vote

for the kind of world

we want to live in.

-Frances Moore Lappe

reduce reuse recycle