Oh Blog It All!

Natural and Effective Skin Care is More than Possible...

Restore, repair, renew! Reduce fine lines and wrinkles! Hydrate, exfoliate, regenerate, and balance!  Firm, tighten, tone and plump…radiate and glow!


I’m all in for that rodeo, cowgirls! Sign me up! 


When it comes to skin care, who doesn’t want all that? Having freshly hit the 50 mark (ok fine, 50 something and a half, details, details) those words are like the proverbial dangling carrot.


That carrot isn’t out of reach though.  Just hang on for a little bit and you’ll be able to stop chasing it…

Don't be Disappointed...or Worse!

Unfortunately, though, it seems like these “promises” plastered all over the media all too often fall flat and don’t deliver.


I’ve been so disappointed in the past by products that sound promising, yet after months of consistent use showed little besides a dent in the budget.


Or maybe you’ve found something that seems to deliver, but know that it’s loaded with chemicals.  Those chemicals may seem to work in the short run, but at what cost to your skin’s actual health, therefore YOUR health, and by default, our planet’s health.  More than disappointing, it’s worse, it’s toxic!


I mean, retinol, often considered the “gold standard” in anti-aging can actually thin and weaken skin over time. Say what?!? It’s just like those prescription medication commercials that have a list of side effects that are the same as what someone’s trying to “fix”. Huh?!


All the skin care products laden with dangerous chemicals, backed by big names and even bigger advertising budgets can lure us to a false sense of security- that their products alone can make you appear younger, more desirable, more beautiful. But, my friends, that’s a very false and scary sense of security to be sure.

Introducing...Natural & Effective Skin Care Made Possible

But what if you could find products that actually:


  • Deliver on their promises. And. Work!
  • Have NO chemicals, toxins or synthetic ingredients 
  • And are in fact, derived wholly from Mother Nature
  • With ingredients that are harvested sustainably and lovingly
  • Are Research and Science backed
  • Heal your skin both on the inside and out
  • Are beautifully packaged (without plastic!)
  • Make you feel as if you are the. Most. Special. Person. Ever. (Because, dammit, you are!)
  • And. Work! (I know I listed that already but it needs repeating!!!)


Ahhhh. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it. And sounds like if it was even true, it’d probably be way too expensive for the average wallet.


Well my friends, guess what.  I’ve found that not only is it true, but it’s affordable and definitely. worth. it!  

Remember my mission for this blog? To challenge you (and myself) and to provide you with resources to improve your health, our lives and our planet? Life!  As.Naturally.As.Possible! One product, one thought, one practice, one day at a time. Or more!


That’s right, all the important stuff bears repeating… that and You. Are. The. Most. Special. Person. Ever!  And don’t you forget it.

Because of all that, I am so excited to share my new fav resource with you- freshly picked, green style with love.


Introducing to you,  Annmarie Skin Care.


That’s it. Three little words that are so EPIC!

If you’ve already experienced the joy of using Annmarie Skin Care, why haven’t you already told me about this? I mean, I really wish I had stumbled across them years ago. 


As the saying goes, better “late” than never and I am soooo happy I’ve got them now. 

Annmarie Skin Care Renew and Radiate

I fist came across Annmarie Skin Care on the madesafe.org website.  Not really feeling ready to dive into another yet another brand, I skimmed by it because, well frankly, I’ve tried a lot of “natural” products in the last couple of years.   Some came with hidden ingredients (I guess I hadn’t looked deep enough) and at best, some were just, eh, so so. Others were only effective in draining my budget.


I had kind of resigned myself to my new “skin after 50” and my skin care goal had been simply to “do no more harm.”


And then for whatever reason, I went back for another look. I checked them out and fell in love with Annmarie Skin Care, “the brand”, and the family, and what they stand up for and rise up against, and with the ingredients they’re bringing to us. 


Oh the ingredients!  Truly an absolute bounty from nature, combined into these super powerhouse formulas to tackle whatever skin need you have.  


"Trophies" on the Back Shelf...

While my freshly-into-my-50s status has brought on some wisdom, it has also brought on some new skin needs (oh hell, fine lines and wrinkles, there. I said it.)


And although it’s fun to think of those “skin needs” as little “trophies” (trophies for lots of laughing, gallons of baby oil slathered on by the pool back in the 80s, many work days outside in the blazing sun and New England cold, lots of worrying, say, during calving season, a few facial injuries from an overzealous ram named “Stormy” and perhaps, just a few late nights celebrating whatever it was we were celebrating that weekend), I’d prefer to put those particular “trophies” on a back shelf and not see them ALL OVER MY FACE!


Yeah, so it’s pretty clear that whatever product I use has to be pretty potent to stand up to all of that, well, life lived.  I’d begun wondering if anything could really actually REVERSE those lines and PREVENT new ones.


I am so grateful that, for whatever reason, I took another look at Annmarie Skin Care and plunged in with my first duo of products: the Renew Facial Cream Cleanser and the Radiate Facial Moisturizing Oil.


I decided that I was going to use ONLY these products (along with my Omnilux) on my face, neck and décolleté. So as not to waste all my other other open jars of products, I decided I would use those on my arms.  I really wanted to give Annmarie Gianni products a chance and see what happened.  


Annmarie Skin Care...The Results...a Love Affair Begun

So from the moment of unwrapping them, my love affair began.  It was a  cautiously optimistic one, but a love affair nonetheless. Beautiful dark glass bottles (no plastic, Yesss!) with simple “spa like” labels.  Great, but how would the pumps work? I’ve had chintzy ones before that would clog after a few uses and then just not work, “We’ll see now, won’t we” I thought.


After all, pretty bottles and labels alone aren’t going to help my skin. 


So how about the products themselves?


I was slightly nervous as I pumped out the cream and oil. So many natural oils and ingredients that are good for us don’t necessarily smell that way.  “I don’t care if it stinks, as long as it WORKS!”, I thought. 


And then. Holy cow. Heaven out of a bottle! 


The Renew Facial Cream Cleanser truly smells like summer days and sunshine.  It has a beautiful, lightly creamy floral and citrusy, upliftingly happy scent. And the Radiate Facial Moisturizing Oil, well, it evoked thoughts of early summer evenings.  It smelled like the Renew Cleanser but with an extra added slightly warm earthy, in the best way, tone. 


Duh?!, I thought. It’s no wonder that they evoke these thoughts of summer days, all the ingredients come from nature! 


Ok, so I’m not going to win any Pulitzer here with my description, but suffice it to say, I wanted to slather it on in copious amounts. I was already thinking ahead to, “do they have a body wash, lotion, shampoo and conditioner, laundry detergent, diffusing oil, a bubble I can climb into and bring it all in with me?” And then, “This smells so sensational that I don’t even care if it works!”


Well, that’s not entirely true, I do want it to work. 


So I set out to using it. Twice a day, morning and before bed.


After a few days, though, I noticed my skin beginning to break out and thought, “Oh dammitall! Please no! I love using this stuff! Come on!” 


My cautiously optimistic love affair was headed for divorce. WTH.


At this point, I should note here that I have combination skin. I think. I’ve always hesitated to answer when anyone asked “what type of skin do you have? Oily, dry, normal or combination?” My answer is typically, “What day is it?” It can go any different polar direction depending on activities and time of year. So I guess, combination. 


But now, the direction my skin was going was definitely South to Breakout-vIlle.  Just great. 


But. I kept using it. Twice a day. 


And then after a few more days, it turned back around and both products did exactly what they claimed to do -RENEW and RADIATE.  My skin cleared up surprisingly quickly and began to  look and feel amazing. That pH-balanced stuff really works!


No Toxicity...All Glow...Naturally!

I never before understood how companies could make claims of “radiate” and “glow” when their products were full of harmful chemicals.   The “glow” on those featured models was probably the result of toxicity and and some skillfully applied makeup, I figured.  But now, here I was actually experiencing it, sans makeup and sans chemicals! 


So why the breakout at first then? It dawned on me later that the reason was…my skin was detoxing! These potently effective products were helping my skin from the inside out. Rebalancing it.  How amazing! 


And finally, as an added surprise, with my order came the Illuminating Pearl Mask sample. What a gem (yes pun intended!) this mask is. My face has always presented on the red side. This has happily been reduced over the month of using R and R. True to it’s claims, the pearl mask, after just the use of the sample jar, seemed calm my skin even further. It truly does work. More glow. And hydration. And healing. Both inside and out. Illuminating indeed.


Ahhhhh. Deep, satisfying sigh here. Thanks Annmarie Gianni Skin Care Family!


After just one month of using these products from Annmarie Skin Care twice a day (and confidently ordering additional ones), they have changed my life for the better. That sounds dramatic I know, but cowgirls (and cowboys!!), it really is quite epic.


I’ve found a wonderful “brand”- a family who produces natural skin care products with our health and the health of our planet at the foremost.


I’ve found a family that is bringing the powers of nature to the front line, educating us and providing us with crazily effective products.


They have taken the guesswork out of who and what to trust- there are no hidden ingredients, no false claims, and no unfriendly environmental practices.


Just love in glass bottles.


Now you see what I mean about them being life changing for the better? I can’t wait to try more.

Stay tuned for my reviews on their Concentrated Boosting Elixirs. I’ve recently gotten right into those with early promising results. 


The love affair continues, my friends! 


Want to start one of your own?

Go Ahead! Have Your Own Love Affair!

The Essentials Collection

No really. Go ahead and have your own love affair with Annmarie Skin Care.


Because. You can.




And extremely affordably.

Annmarie Skin Care has created a special link for us.  (See! I love them even more for partnering with me to provide their powerhouse products to you).  


Please check out my affiliate disclosure, but know that when you click on this link and make a purchase, there is no additional cost to you (in fact, it’s an awesome deal) and I may earn a small commission.

So now with the legal stuff out of the way, on to the good, actually, the great stuff.


What they are offering here is the Essentials Collection.  So. Naturally. Sensational. And aptly named.  These products are essential to my daily routine. Remember that aforementioned carrot way back in paragraph one? This is where you get  to grab it!


UPDATE***** So these guys ALWAYS have a special deal going on in order that you can try different products (and therefore become hooked! Like me!) While this Essentials Collection is currently not being offered 2 others are. The Clean Beauty Trial and The Serum Trio. Both of which are amazing offers and a great way to introduce yourself to Annmarie Skin Care! You can always go to my Favorites Page to find their current offers too.


Here’s what you can experience the benefits of in the Essentials Collection:

  • The Radiate- Facial Moisturizing Oil. When you purchase this, you’ll receive
  • the full size Renew- Facial Cream Cleanser for free
  • an illuminating Pearl Mask Sample
  • Free shipping in the USA and Canada
  • a $10 coupon for your future purchase (which you will definitely want to use)
  • a money back guarantee (which you will definitely not need to use)

The Essentials Collection has you all hooked up for your own love affair- a healthy love affair with yourself and with Annmarie Skin Care! 



Clean, chemical free, MADE SAFE certified, effective nourishment and enrichment for your skin.


Seriously. It’s Pure Love! Comin’ atcha in glass bottles. Let the affair begin… Naturally!

Did you do it? Are you excited? Let me know what you think! Comment below and don’t forget to subscribe in the nav menu!

**** Check out my Favorites page for the most current offers from Annmarie Skin Care.  These guys are often updating offers so you can try their products at an affordable price!

“Our purpose as a company

is to align

with these three words:

Honesty. Wild. Beautiful”

– Annmarie Skin Care