Oh Blog It All!


Giving the Gift of Loving Care

It’s here my friends!


It’s that time of year where stores, businesses and retailers are competing for your emotions…and money…


THIS is the perfect item for that special someone, THIS will make you look sensational, THIS is the hottest gift…


Yup, “The Holidays” are here. The time of year most of us look forward to . Until. Until we remember just how many “I’s” we have to dot and “Ts” we have to cross. 

The Gift of an "In-Focus" Holiday

The hustle, bustle and quest for that picture perfect Currier and Ives holiday. You know, the one with the radiantly smiling people surrounded by decadent food and desserts, photograph worthy decorations, gorgeous outfits and beautifully wrapped can’t-live-without gifts.


Can you see it in your mind? Are you that radiantly smiling person who’s got this in the bag? In Santa’s bag, more specifically?


If your answer is a resounding “H-E-Double- Hockey-Sticks NO!”, don’t fret and cancel the holidays yet. I can help. We’ve got this.

First. Exhale the breath you’ve been holding. Right?! You were holding one, weren’t you? Now, take a new one. A deep one, and then another.


When you’re reacquainted with that whole breathing thing, keep going and focus on who and what you’re grateful for. Really. What and who are you grateful for?


Now focus on you. Who? Yup. You. Focus on 5 things you love about yourself. Yes, FIVE WHOLE THINGS! You don’t have to stop at five, but identify 5 minimum.



Finally, focus on what this holiday means to you and set an intention.  What does this Christmas or holiday mean to you?


If you can, write your blessings and intentions down. (Hey! Share them with me in the comment section below. I’d love to read them!)


Okay, done? Perfect! Now you’re ready. You’ve focused on your blessings and what you want this Christmas and Holiday Season to be. Now all you have to do is make it happen!


Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Let me know how it goes. 

Ha! Were it only that easy. It is definitely a great start though; a good jumping off point. Focusing on the “who,” “what,” and “why” can keep us on track. 


That being said, I’m going to focus on some loving care here because I’m pretty sure that’ll cover the “who” and “what”. (And stay tuned because I’m looking forward to doing some future posts on blessings and intentions too.)

Nurturing Our Gifts...Our Blessings

How are we going to nurture and honor our blessings this Christmas and holiday season?


First off, remember how I had you name at least 5 things you love about yourself?  


That was my reminder to you, that YOU are a blessing too.  


Your kindness and generosity, your open mindedness and willingness to learn, your efforts towards good health… and your smile… your smile comes from the peace you feel from knowing all of that…


Is any of that on your list… and more?!  YOU. Are. A. Blessing! And don’t you forget it.


Because amidst the hustle, bustle and anxiety over it all-

“When the heck am I going to shop, wrap, cook, shop some more,

play bingo at the local VFW hoping to win money to pay for it all because well,

robbing a bank just doesn’t seem “Christmas-like”

our focus and good intentions can be forgotten about pretty quickly.  


In the quest for coming as close to that picture perfect holiday mentioned above, we can start to be pretty hard on ourselves,  feeling less than perfect.


What can we do to keep us on track?


Self care. It is oh-so-important and usually oh-so-neglected, especially during the holidays.


It’s typically the first thing that gets thrown out along with so much wasteful garbage.


When there’s all that shopping to do, who has time and money for self care?


Who does? You. You do. That’s right. YOU. DO. 


Huh? I do? How? Why? Because of Annmarie Skin Care. Because we are going to save you both some time and some money… and help with some good health.  Give me just a minute to establish why.


First, self care. It’s not selfish. Au contraire, it’s essential.  If your well is dry, where do you go from there? Tasks become more difficult, dread sets in for the days ahead and resentment builds. Fa la la la la, focus, intentions…Not. 


It’s more like Blah blah blah blah blah, ha ha ha ha which certainly does not sound like a heartfelt holiday song sung merrily on your way!

During the busy times, taking mere moments for self care is so important

for a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Hydrate. Sit quietly and breathe. Reread your list of blessings. Connect with your spiritual intentions.

Eat a healthy meal and feel energized and empowered.

Make environmentally conscious decisions and feel good,

establishing a grounding and respectful connection with our planet. 


It’s oh so, so important to our health and well-being!

You are NOT a dry well. 

Gift Giving

So then there’s the gift giving that has become integral to Christmas and the holidays. 


If your list of blessings includes people, then during the holidays giving a gift of love and appreciation can and should be fun and meaningful.


Of course, we show love and appreciation all year long to those we’re grateful for, but at Christmas and the holidays it’s fun to do something special and unexpected. Something meaningful. Something thoughtful that makes the recipient feel cherished.  


But what? Another plastic gift card that ends up in the landfill eventually? Something that’ll end up regifted or in the same place as that plastic gift card? Getting caught up in all the wasteful trappings of spending too much money at the last minute because you couldn’t find the “right” gift? Ugh. (Check out my post here on gift ideas).


A perfect gift to me is giving something that makes the recipient feel all of those things above- cherished ultimately. Additionally, I want them to feel like they’re holding the perfect solution for them, AND that their gift is part of a solution for our planet! Whew! That seems like a tall order for Santa…

We've Gotcha All Covered!

“Self-care” and “gift giving” both, I’ve got you covered (pun intended)! Fa la la la Annmarie Skin Care la la la la. 


Here is that meaningful gift of loving care… towards your good health, towards that of your loved ones, and towards the planet. No harmful chemicals, no unnecessary waste. Just love.


Annmarie Skin Care. If this is the first you’re hearing about this amazing family, check out my post here. 


If you are acquainted, then here’s the deal, the gift of health and beauty, of love and appreciation, for you and for your loved ones. Affordably. (And furthermore, it’s the gift that keeps on giving because Annmarie Skin Care has a wealth of information on their blog and website.)

Here's the Deal!

The products that Annmarie Skin Care has put together in this bundle are meant to pamper and nourish your skin this season.


Natural Skin Care. Non-toxic style.


Not sure why chemicals are bad for your skin? Take a minute to read my post here and then come on back.

The. Gift. of. Loving. Care!

So here’s what’s included in this bundle of joy for $19.99 all in. Free shipping.

  • Aloe Herb Cleanser is a calming cleanser, a pH-balanced gentle cleanser infused with organic aloe vera, coconut oil, and beautifying herbs.
  • Anti-Aging Serum, a hydrating elixir that leaves skin looking firm with hyaluronic acid and life everlasting flowers.
  • Anti-Aging Facial Oil, brimming with antioxidant-rich seed oils—chia, goji berry, and broccoli—that firm and tighten the skin.
  • Antioxidant Lip Balm, an organic cocoa butter softens lips while antioxidant-rich, omega-heavy fruit oils of buriti and sea buckthorn fight free radicals. Rich cocoa extract leaves lips luminous and luscious—with a hint of chocolate
  • A money-back guarantee (which you will never want to use)
  • (Click here to purchase)

These products are amazing. Truly. 


And don’t be put off by the “anti-aging” part for younger gift recipients.  These products are great for helping to heal the damage of everyday stressors- sun, pollution, toxic skin care products. Yup, they help to heal your skin from damaging, supposedly-good-for-your-skin-products.


This gift package of products, packed with so many restoring and nourishing ingredients, is an amazing bounty of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids…and more…from nature! 


Don’t just take my word for it, try it (click here to purchase). Read the reviews. You’ll love it.

All the Best. Naturally!

Blessings. Focus and intentions.  Love. Gratitude and appreciation. Self care. Caring for others and our planet. Christmas. Holidays…

 This year, embrace it all. Celebrate you, your loved ones and our planet! 


I, and I can speak for the Annmarie Skin Care Family too,  truly wish you and yours all the best. Naturally!

Giving is not just about


making a donation.


It is about making a difference.

– Kathy Calvin