Oh Blog It All!

Share Some Love!

Valentine’s Day. Hmmph. Just the thought of it can send many people to cringing in a corner.


It seems to be another of those “holidays” that has, well, become a bit commercialized.

Somehow, the bar keeps getting raised for the “perfect” gift, setting everyone’s expectations so high that surely, by midnight on February 14th, there are many disappointed Valentines out there. Meanwhile, at that very same moment, there are probably an equal amount of people that are THRILLED that IT’S ALMOST OVER for another year!

I mean, whaddya mean you’re not in a perfect place to spend $$$ on that perfect diamond for that perfect someone? Or wait, you don’t have a “perfect someone” because they turned out to be a Class A jerk and you sent him a packin’?  And, ohhh noooo, do I really have to pretend that I love that ginormous Valentine’s Day card and the teddy bear wearing the sweater with “I love you” on it…again??? Perfect! Or that I appreciate the dozen roses that probably could feed a small village with the small fortune that they cost.  (Which is probably because of all the pesticides and chemicals used to grow them and then to make them last during the several thousand mile journey they make to get to the local grocery and convenience stores). 


Geez. That sure sounds cynical. And for a “holiday” that I actually really do like!  And with no disrespect to the giant cards and teddy bears either…or the roses.


I mean, who says that how much you love someone is a reflection of how much you spend and what you buy. (And if it isn’t environmentally friendly, well, that always frosts my you-know-what too.) Just because there’s a “holiday” that says we should? A simple, sweet gesture should be enough…like in the good old days!


Of course, we should really be letting our loved ones know how much we love them, and be doing nice things for them (and for ourselves!) on a daily basis.  Of course this shouldn’t just happen on Valentine’s Day. But I get it. It’s fun to have a “special” day to do something sweet and special for someone…including for ourselves.


I also think it’s super important to recognize the blessings that we receive every day. Sometimes, just taking the time to notice all the “little things” we are gifted with each day, is even more difficult. And never mind just noticing the “little things”, how about actually appreciating them too. The compliment someone gave you. The eye contact and “have a nice day” from the cashier. The joy from your dog when you come home. The cardinal that landed on the snow covered tree. The “Good dinner, honey!”


Countless gifts every day!

But back to Valentine’s Day. The actual Day Of.

  • So it can be sweet (“nice”, “thoughtful”, “romantic”, “insert-adjective-here”) to do something a little extra on the actual Day Of Valentine’s Day.  Say for instance, like creating a sailor’s Valentine.  

A bit much? Ummm yeah. For like 99.8% of the population I’m guessing.

I’m sure you’re by now thinking of your own ways, but if you need a few simple ideas to help you  brighten someone else’s day, and yours too (don’t forget YOU because it’s so important to show yourself some love!), here goes:

  • Make cookies and bring them to someone who wouldn’t expect it. (This sure seems easy after that Sailor’s Valentine doesn’t it!)
  • Take a hike and see if you can find heart shapes in nature; can’t find any? Form some hearts with sticks, rocks, shells, whatever! Photograph them and print them out. Frame a collection.
  • Call a local animal shelter and see if they could use any donations (see too if you have anything in your house that you can recycle to them like old towels, worn fleece you can upcycle into braided rope toys, old puppy collars, etc.)
  • Go to thrift stores and consignment shops and find something perfect for you or someone else that’s red or pink (maybe like someone else’s old Valentine’s Day bear).  Bring in some of your gently used items to donate while you’re there (maybe like your old Valentine’s Day bear. Hey! Maybe if you do that, you can buy it back for next year’s Valentine’s thrift hunt! I really don’t have anything against them!)
  • Cut out paper hearts. Write down something you love about someone. Then surprise them with it. Where can you leave the hearts to surprise them? Cabinets, lunch bag, shoes, car, coat pocket, taped to the toilet lid…be creative! Recycle newspaper, magazines, cards, boxes, etc. for this project. 
  • Paint hearts on small rocks or shells and hand out love! Reuse paint you already have or check out a local re-store for some. Or make your own non-toxic paint. 
  • Create a sweet or funny poem for someone! (I still remember a Valentine’s Day card I got from my brother many many years ago…”Roses are red, Violets are purple, I love you more, than Maple Surple!”  It still cracks me up every time I say it!!! Surple Surple Surple!!!)
  • Make bird seed treats from peanut butter (natural and single ingredient without salt and sugar), bird seed, unsalted peanuts, chia seed, black oil sunflower seeds, oats, cracked corn, and/or plain air popped popcorn. Mix together and press in donut pans or muffin tins. You can loop twine through to hang on branches or place in open feeders.
  • Spend some quiet time with yourself and remind yourself of all your good qualities! Don’t stop at five…I know there’s definitely more! Write ’em down and use them as a “pick me up” when needed!
  • The nice things someone has has done for you? Write those things down on recycled paper cut out hearts and let them know how much they meant to you! How awesome would it be to receive one of those, right?
  • Want something new that won’t break the bank and will be good for you, your loved ones AND the environment? Try Annmarie Skin Care. Here’s their Love offer for Valentine’s Day!
  • Finally, check out my Favorites Page for other earth friendly gifts for you and your pets!

So this Valentine’s Day, don’t run to cringing.  Share and receive some love, simply, and with heart. 


More suggestions? Comment below!

Be the reason someone smiles.


Be the reason someone feels loved


and believes in the goodness of people.

Roy T. Bennett